Saturday, January 13, 2007

Supplemental Eye Care Insurance: An Extra to Your Normal Policy

By Jenny Black

Supplemental eye care insurance just like any other supplemental medical insurance is meant to cover the cost that your primary eye care insurance does not cover. Many expensive treatments and surgeries may not be covered under your normal eye care insurance. Here, it is important for you to purchase a supplemental eye care insurance policy for yourself and your family members.

The concept of eye care insurance though sounds fantastic; the reality may altogether be different. Many insurance providers will not provide an extensive coverage to your eye care medical insurance and even they will put innumerable restrictions on what they will and will not be covering. Supplemental eye care insurance will fill up these gaps of normal eye care insurance and will give you an extensive coverage. A supplemental insurance will make sure that you receive coverage even for disabilities and serious accidents.

Many people suffer from weak eye sights because of various reasons like sitting in front of the computers for long hours; watching televisions for long, pollution etc. But because of the inconvenience of wearing and maintaining glasses and contact lenses, today many people are turning to laser eye surgeries known as LASIK eye surgery to improve their vision. But because of its high cost and its failure to meet the conservative therapy test., many insurance companies do not provide cover for this type of treatment.

Apart from that, many companies do not provide eye insurance cover to serious accidents and disabilities arising out of these accidents. Again many insurance companies fix up a limit to the number of visits that a person can undertake during a time period to an eye specialist. But old people who have a very weak eye sights and who have to depend all the time on eye treatments, may need more visits to an eye specialist. All these can be covered by supplemental eye care insurance.

To find for the perfect quote, you need to do some research. Since supplemental eye care insurance is not so easy to locate, a thorough study of all the companies that provide you with supplemental eye care insurance is a must. Nowadays, with internet facilities, you can easily search supplemental eye care insurance policy for your eyes. Many companies offer discounts, if you buy supplemental eye care insurance through the internet.

Jenny Black is the financial analyst at HealthInsuranceUK. She is providing independant insurance and financial advice on health through her informative articles. To find more about Supplemental eye care insurance, Pet health insurance, Medical insurance, Health insurance, Eye care insurance, Online insurance providers visit

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