Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Importance of Home Insurance

The importance of having a home insurance policy cannot be over emphasized. Let’s face it; no one can accurately predict when something tragic or unavoidable will happen to one’s home.

While the home owner may be devastated at the sudden and unexpected loss of their home or personal property, it doesn’t mean that the homeowner has to be utterly unprepared in the unfortunate event that catastrophe strikes.

Home insurance not only protects the homeowner from total loss when disaster occurs, it also protects the home owner if someone that does not live in the home should somehow get hurt on the property.

Hence, home insurance prepares the home owner in the event that their home is damaged by “acts of God” or if a person becomes injured, the home owner will not be held solely liable for all of the damages.

Many home insurance policies cover a home under the “all risks” clause. The “all risks” clause simply means that the policy, as long as it remains intact, will cover the home and the property contained within it under any circumstance that is not otherwise noted in an exclusion clause.

For instance, a home can be covered for fire damage, earthquake damage, and acts of vandalism under an “all risks” policy, but if the policy states that the home is not covered for flood damage, than water damage as the result of a flood would not be covered.

Working closely with an insurance agent will help a home owner prepare for unexpected events. Having home insurance is important because the lack of an established policy can only make a disastrous situation far more devastating on a home owner, psychologically and financially. In the end, having a home insurance policy will ultimately give the home owner a sense of security.

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