Tuesday, January 09, 2007

How To Apply for Free Medi-Cal Health Insurance

By Christine Silva

Are you low-income, disabled, senior, pregnant, or have a serious pre-existing health problem that no one else will insure? Would you like free health insurance legally through the State of California Medi-Cal health program? It is free and easy to apply, and many Californians qualify for this free and low-cost health insurance.

The people who qualify for Medi-Cal are:
• Disabled or blind persons
• 65 and over
• Pregnant women of any age
• Any child under 21 (college students, look into this!)
• Families with minor children
• Certain refugees
• Anyone receiving nursing home care.

When preparing the application, there are income limits. Remember, however, that when the application asks for “household income”, they are trying to discern if there is actually a high-wage earner in the household that would disqualify you for benefits. So, when you are filling out the application, be careful—do not include any income or assets that are not actually available for you to use. For example, if you live with a roommate, and your roommate makes $40,000, you would not include this income in your “household” income on your application, since you only share a domicile, but you are not actually a member of the same “household” or family.

If you are pregnant, or a minor, and wish to have your application remain confidential, you can take it to a social services office and speak with a counselor who will help you get confidential benefits. You can qualify for confidential medical services even if your parents are wealthy, if you need confidential health services. This is especially helpful for minors who are victims of abuse.

This is a wonderful resource for college students, pregnant women, families, and disabled citizens. If you are without health insurance because you cannot afford it or qualify, it is beneficial to apply for Medi-cal. You can also see if your children qualify for free or low-cost coverage. Full health and vision coverage is available, and usually free.

You can download the free application right off the internet at the State of California government website. The direct website for the Medi-Cal application is: http://www.dhs.ca.gov/mcs/medi-calhome/MC210.htm

Download the application, and fill it out. The instructions and application are available in nine languages, and easy to fill out and read. You can mail in the application with a copy of your driver’s license and an earning’s statement as proof of income. It’s very easy, and often takes less than thirty minutes.

Give it a try. What do you have to lose? Free health insurance (to those who need it most) may be just the answer you were looking for.

Christine P Silva, BA, CRTP, lives in California with her husband, two children, and three spoiled cats. She earned her undergraduate degree from San Jose State University, and her advanced accounting certificate and California tax registration from Cosumnes River College.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christine_Silva